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Fallout 76

Although the success of Fallout 76 is unmatched by previous releases, Bethesda has not yet received and supported the project in all possible ways, the latest of which was recently unveiled, Fallout 1st, which offers players different benefits for a monthly subscription.

The announcement came via the company's official blog, where Fallout 1st costs players $ 12.99 per month or $ 99.9 per year and provides in return and access to the Private Worlds mode that allows eight players to collaborate on different tasks. Formatting and access components on public servers as well, and separate from virtual storage making them more useful.

Finally, there is Survival Tent, which can be considered an automatic fast travel station that can be used anywhere, and subscribers also get 1650 atoms per month can be used in the Atom store with access to exclusive discounts on items such as fashion and some different codes.


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