Moons of Madness
The "creature of the mist" is really terrifying, the only solution is to flee, but it's not easy.
Dans cette séquence, nous retrouvons Shane Newehart, technicien dans une station martienne abandonnée, qui essaie comme il peut de réparer plusieurs éléments de la base, mais c'était sans compter sur l'apparition de la Créature de la brume, un monstre tentaculaire et effrayant, qui va lui donner du fil à retordre. Au passage, les studios dévoilent les configurations minimale et recommandée :
in this sequence, we find Shane Newehart, a technician at an abandoned Martian station, trying to repair several elements of the base, but that was not counting on the appearance of the Mist Creature, a sprawling monster. scary, which will give him a hard time. Incidentally, the studios unveil the minimum and recommended configurations:
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