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10 tips make easy for you IN Death Stranding

10 tips make easy for you IN Death Stranding

Whether or not you agree with the conflicting results of the new Kojima Death Stranding game or not, we cannot deny that this game provided unprecedented gameplay elements and revolutionary ideas whether in the way of integrating social media elements within the game or the way of navigating the world and counting up to ten before we take a step in The topography of the world because any wrong step may impede the functioning of the character and damage what holds it and thus affected the task we carry out the whole.

And because the game is full of these new elements and methods that we are not accustomed to, we must develop a guide and a set of tips to help you with your arduous task to unite the dispersed American cities.

Don't rush the story

Some media people who played the game before launching it for evaluation stated that they spent 100 hours in it for a week and a half until they finished it. These people never advise you to do the same. The world of the game is huge and full of side tasks and construction opportunities, so take your time to walk around and perform side tasks and activities. Just focus on the main story tasks as this will make it difficult for you to experience and maybe bored.

Try to get to Chapter 3 quickly

I know that I told you not to rush to play, but the beginning of the game I advise you to try to finish the first two chapters quickly to reach the third chapter because it gives you a lot of equipment and tools that help you with your mission, in this chapter you will feel a great change in the style of play and that it has become fun and change the way you interact with the world.

Be sure to travel with a light load

As we know, Sam's primary task is to deliver goods from one area to another. Before any task, we must manage the load properly so that Sam does not lose his balance when moving, but remember that weight and even below the number you can afford will affect the balance and endurance. Just carry basic equipment such as a couple of stairs, most climbing ropes, some bombs and an alternative pair of shoes.Don't forget to trust the rest of the players.You may have left behind a ladder or rope to climb to places you have not yet reached.

Always provide Repair Spray

To travel with a light load does not mean that you forget the most important tool, Repair Spray when you have a long walk because the load of the rain will damage the time and the condition of the goods significantly affect the classification you get at the end of each task, so the presence of the sprayer you can use when you reach your goal and before Deliver the goods to get higher points by classifying you as a porter.

How to optimally manage the load and maintain balance

First of all, don't forget about the automatic baggage sorting feature.This can be done by pressing the triangle button which arranges the load on the person's body.This feature also has disadvantages.It does not take into account the sensitivity of some goods.There is a load that can be damaged quickly if it is exposed to time rains. She puts boxes on top of her to protect her, so they are damaged instead of valuables.

As for the distribution of the load properly so as not to hinder your movement or affect your balance we recommend putting lightweight tools such as ladders and ropes on the shoulders and legs Vtsthaha here will not make it vulnerable to fall in the event of a fall, while the heavy-weight luggage placed on your back and rank from the lightest up to the heaviest down Back.

The weapons will be placed in the tool holder.It will provide space for the rest of the luggage on your back, while blood and liquid bombs can be placed in your wallet.

Of course, all of this administration's goal is to maintain the optimum balance, and here some recommend a tactic that requires constant pressure on the buttons L2 and R2 together while landing on a slope for example, or walk over a land filled with rocks, although this will make your speed slower than usual, but it will be able to prevent Sam from Falling, there are also advised to work Crouch off-road for a better balance.

Take a break every now and then

After every long trip, make sure to head to your room for rest.This will restore health and endurance levels as well as adjust the child's mood and mental state which is important during play, as well as make sure to take a shower to get fluids extracted from the body and blood.

Fast travel is useful but has its downsides as well

The vast world of the game always entices you to use the fast travel feature found in Death Strand, but you will not get it until you reach the third chapter of the game, - a simple burn here - when you meet your colleague Fragile will tell you about the ability to travel fast and long distances through the umbrella you carry Leaving this umbrella will leave you to use it.

But here we have to warn you not to tempt this feature too much it has a weakness because it does not allow you to take any equipment or load with you and everything will be left in the room behind you to retrieve them later. We recommend that you only use them if you want to move to a remote area to accept a task and not if you originally agreed to deliver a certain load to a place.

 Likes and how to increase them

Getting likes or likes in this game is innovative and we have not seen other games which are important and play a role in increasing your level as a porter and allow you to expand your abilities such as endurance and weight you can carry besides it enhances the level of communication with the characters of the game side, but the most important question how to increase How many likes?

If you build a bridge over a river to cross or place a ladder to climb a mountain, it will help other players if they go through these same places.This will give you a chance to get likes from them.If you pass along an area full of BTs, sign a sign warning other players or alert others. Having a nearby shelter will be enough to give you a check from anyone who passes next to these signs, and of course the best places to put warning signs or signs that attract admiration are at the entrances of cities or buildings, everyone will pass in front of them without a doubt.

If you don't want to rely on other players for likes, you can rely on side game tasks, specifically connect lost shipments and perform delivery tasks associated with certain conditions such as delivering the shipment on time or with less damage than usual. This falls within standard orders where you choose Premium Delivery and comply with controls. When you complete the task as it should you will get more than normal tasks.

Also facilitating the task of the other porters in the game (characters working like Sam and controlled by artificial intelligence) will provide you with more Alikatat this is by clearing the way for them from the camps of looters or MULE and make them travel safely and will give back to you by giving you the likes.

Find Power Skeleton as soon as the opportunity comes

Since your job in the game is a porter to deliver orders and goods, your ability to carry is very important and you need to take care of increasing, and perhaps the best tool that will help you with your tasks and make it easier is the Power Skeleton This tool enables you to carry more weight.

To find this tool you have to wait for the Central Region map to open and you will have a task to connect the preppers to the Chiral Network, one of them called The Engineer located in South Lake Knot City and after you can connect it to the network it will reward you with a Power Skeleton tool that you can then develop via Enhance your relationship with the engineer by delivering lost cargo and Standard Orders to improve its capacity to carry heavier luggage (up to 300 kg) and lower power consumption. Development of the tool to the maximum level requires the implementation of between 6 to 7 delivery tasks for the benefit of the engineer.

Always use and maintain vehicles

Sometimes you can face very difficult tasks, whether due to the weight of the load that you have to move or the distance.This is where the role of vehicles where you will be able when you reach a certain stage in the game to find vehicles and use them to move as well as the load in them, and these vehicles are either bicycles with speed Reverse Trikes or trucks.

But the use of these vehicles depends on the battery so you need to learn the skill of building generators to charge and to maintain the battery life for a longer period is better to drive halfway.

These vehicles may be exposed after a period of use rust or malfunctions from the fall so in order to maintain and return to normal condition you have to go to safe houses or distribution centers and put the vehicle by elevator and here you have two options to either send the vehicle to the garage and this by going to delivery terminal and choose Garage from Menu You will see your vehicle in the Elevator menu, then press the X button and choose Store Vehicle You will see that the vehicle landed by elevator to the garage and can be restored from the garage list has been repaired.

The other option is to let Sam rest in his room and before heading there, a video will show Sam and his vehicle look like a workshop repairing the vehicle and recovering its battery.

If these are the top 10 points you should stick to if you want your task as a delivery officer to be easy and uncomplicated, of course we did not mention anything related to the fighting because we will have a special article besides the construction feature that will also play an important role to help the player.


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