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Geoff Keighley, manager, has denied any party leaks

Geoff Keighley, manager, has denied any party leaks

Hover and hover a lot and a lot of rumors and leaked news, and this is before the launch of a new event from the award-winning games, the famous Games The Game Awards.

But it seems that all these leaks are not true rumors, according to the host and founder of the concert Geoff Keighley in new statements in which he expressed a complete denial of all the sites and social pages in the past days, both regarding the disclosure of Remic Resident Evil 3 and other leaks.

He also assured us that nothing was leaked from the concert announcements, and what was claimed to have been leaked was completely false and false.

It is also strange that Keighley has denied in particular about the Resident Evil 3, but he has hinted that there are announcements of ten new games and projects that have yet to be disclosed to fill.

The following opening ceremonies will be expected on December 12th this month.


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